Advancing Economic Equity Through Supplier Diversity

The Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council certifies, develops, and connects businesses owned by ethnic minorities with regional and national corporations who are seeking diverse suppliers.

The team of the Northwest Mountain MSDC

Annual Sponsors

Annual sponsors drive supplier diversity advocacy in our region. Sponsorship contributions support MBE development, training, and subsidized participation in Council activities. Through partnership and collaboration with the Northwest Mountain MSDC, corporate/public agency members and certified MBEs, our sponsors positively impact minority businesses and their communities. Make an investment in supplier diversity by becoming an annual sponsor today!

Northwest MSDC Blog

View our latest posts below or click the button to view all posts.

2020 NWMMSDC Economic Report

2020 NWMMSDC Economic Report

The NWMMSDC has released it's 2020 Economic Impact Report! This report showcases in-depth statistics highlighting the growth, contribution and overall economical impact as it relates to MBE's in the region. These unique statistics display how our MBE's and Corporate...

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Council Hosts 2021 Year End Meeting

Council Hosts 2021 Year End Meeting

On Thursday, December 9th, the Northwest Mountain MSDC hosted its annual Year End Meeting for Members, MBEs and partners. The event was hosted in hybrid form, with attendees in person at the DoubleTree Suites in Tukwila and others joining from around the region...

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Celebrating Native American & Alaska Native Heritage Month

Celebrating Native American & Alaska Native Heritage Month

The Northwest Mountain MSDC proudly celebrates Native American & Alaska Native Heritage Month in November. We honor the cultures, achievements, and contributions of Native Americans & Alaska Natives throughout history, and recognize the individuals who...

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