About the Northwest Mountain MSDC

Founded in 1978, the Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council (Northwest Mountain MSDC) is a nonprofit organization certifying, developing, and connecting Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) with major corporations and public agencies. 

Diverse group of businesspeople smiling at the camera

Who We Serve

We are an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) providing certification, membership and subscription services to the Pacific Northwest Mountain region which includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

Three people network at a conference.

Ethnic Minority Businesses

As a certified minority business enterprise, you’ll gain access to valuable contracting opportunities, learning and development from experts and thought leaders, and networking events to strengthen your relationships with fellow professionals and corporations and public agencies who are committed to supplier diversity. 

Two people shake hands on stage.

Corporations and Public Agencies

The Northwest Mountain MSDC partners with corporations and public sector agencies that are looking to connect with minority business enterprises (MBEs) and diversify their supply chains and procurement processes. We encourage corporations and public sector agencies of all sizes to get involved and learn how this partnership can serve you, your stakeholders, diverse businesses, and your local communities. 

Core Competencies

We work to ensure that minority-owned firms have the same opportunities for economic growth that others do. To that end, we focus on four core competencies:


Through our rigorous certification process, the Northwest Mountain MSDC enables meaningful business engagements between minority-owned businesses and corporate/public agency members that wish to engage in business with diverse suppliers.


The Northwest Mountain MSDC develops its certified minority business enterprises’ capacity through educational programming, corporate and MBE-to-MBE development, and our partnership with Executive Education Institutions.


Our MBE network helps corporate/public agency members connect with diverse suppliers across industries. Additionally, we facilitate both formal and informal introductions between MBEs of all sizes that may benefit from one another.


The Northwest Mountain MSDC, its board of directors, and MBE input committee advocate for diversity in supply chain practices. They actively support policies and legislation that promote greater diversity in the public and private sectors.

Advancing Economic Equity

Happy latin architect holding blueprints

Our Mission

Foster an environment that develops equitable opportunities, creating economic value.

Happy latin architect holding blueprints

Our Vision

Be recognized as the leading supplier diversity organization.

Happy latin architect holding blueprints

Our Values

Deliver Value
Invent and Innovate
Champion Equity

NMSDC National Minority Supplier Development Council

Regional Support, National Reach

As an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, our Certified MBEs and corporate/public agency members have access to a nationwide network of 23 regional affiliates across the country.

This means that minority-owned businesses who certify with the Northwest Mountain MSDC can connect with over 1,700 member corporations that want to purchase their products and services. And those corporate/public agency members in return have access to 17,000+ certified MBEs who offer diverse solutions and innovation across countless sectors. Contact us to learn about connecting with other regional councils!


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