Did you know that, as a business owner, you are legally required to display certain posters that inform your employees of their rights and responsibilities?
These three required workplace posters must be in an area where employees can see and read them.

Below are answers to questions you might have regarding this legal workplace poster requirement:

What if my employees work remotely?
If your employees work remotely, you are still responsible for ensuring they receive these posters. You can email or send them digitally to comply with the law.

How much do the posters cost?
The required workplace posters are provided free of charge by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.

What if my employees speak Spanish?
The required workplace posters can be downloaded for free in English, Spanish, and other languages. For more details, visit this page: https://lni.wa.gov/forms-publications/required-workplace-posters

Do I need to order new posters every year?
No, you do not need to order new posters annually unless there are updates to the information.

Where can I access the required workplace posters?
You can easily access and download the required workplace posters for free from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries here.

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